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About US

The Shahid Center for Ability and Development was founded by siblings Eric and Kami Shahid.  The company was formed to provide education, resources, and hope to individuals with developmental & physical disABILITIES.  The company also provides resources to supporters, advocates and family members of those diagnosed as disABLED.

Eric was born with a rare condition that lead to him being labeled as developmentally disABLED.  With this label came many limitations.  However, Eric  learned first hand that the only limits that existed were those he accepted.  With the support of his family and community, Eric has far surpassed the limitations that were placed on him.   

Through advocacy, education, and  resource sharing, and encouragement, The Shahid Center for Ability and Development can help anyone address challenges surrounding  limitations, independence and quality of life for the disABLED.

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